Category Archives: travel

A few photos of New York City, Sep ’08

My first glimpse of Manhattan, from the airport taxi.

My first glimpse of Manhattan, from the airport taxi. This has a bit of The Sopranos opening sequence to it I think, when Tony’s driving to New Jersey.

Looking down from the Empire State Building at dusk.

Looking down from the Empire State Building at dusk. This reminded me of playing the original Grand Theft Auto with the bird’s eye view.

<br /> The Rockefeller Center disappears into the clouds.

The Rockefeller Center disappears into the clouds.

Underneath the Brooklyn Bridge.

Underneath the Brooklyn Bridge. Technically the best photo from my trip, and probably the best photo I’ve ever taken (which isn’t much of a claim, admittedly).

The effortlessly photogenic Brooklyn Bridge

The effortlessly photogenic Brooklyn Bridge again, this time from the Brooklyn side.

A cadillac parked in downtown Brooklyn Heights

A cadillac parked in downtown Brooklyn Heights. Only in America.

A murky Manhattan skyline, from Liberty Island

A murky Manhattan skyline, from Liberty Island.

Looking up Mulberry Street in Little Italy

Looking up Mulberry Street in Little Italy, with the Empire State in the distance.

And then the battery in my camera died…


Filed under photography, travel